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Lawn and Landscape Tips

​Spring / Summer

Common Spring Lawn Care Issues 


From the end of spring into early summer, lawns can face a variety of problems, and it is important to keep a few things in mind as the weather can fluctuate between wet and cool one week to hot and dry the next.


Mowing your Lawn
While most lawns will do very well being mowed at 2-2.5 inches during the cool weather, it is much better to mow at 3-3.5 inches once it gets drier.


During the months of May and through most of June a healthy lawn is going to be growing quite quickly. Ideally, lawns should be mowed every 4-5 days during this period so that only a third of the leaf tissue is being removed at a time.


Disease can be a common problem with lawns at this time of year if there is a lot of rain.


Most lawn diseases are very weather specific and tend to go away as weather conditions change.


If you are having persistent problems, Central CT Lawn Service does offer appropriate fungicide applications to provide as needed.


Leaf Spot
Problems like leaf spot can turn areas of the lawn a brownish/orange color and can thin out the turf.


Red Thread
A common disease you see in lawns this time of the year is red thread, a reddish/pink fungus that grows in circular patterns on the grass blades.


Common Summer Lawn Care Issues



During the hot, dry summer months, many homeowners face the problem of not being able to water their lawns. Typically, your lawn will enter a dormant period during a drought. During this time, you should limit the amount of foot traffic on the lawn, and mowing frequency should be reduced (or if possible, do not mow at all). When you do mow the lawn, you should plan to mow it as the highest possible setting to keep from burning the lawn. The extra grass blades will insulate the soil, keeping it cooler. Slow release summer fertilizer will help your lawn recover from drought dormancy when cooler, rainier weather returns. During this time, we will also inspect the lawn for damaging insects and/or diseases.



Unfortunately, you will need to contact an exterminator to get rid of moles directly.



During long periods of high humidity, disease issues can occur. Sometimes the only way to control summer diseases is with a fungicide treatment. If you suspect that the lawn might have a disease issue, please call us at 860-829-2306.

Common Fall Lawn Care Issues


Leaves on the Ground

Letting leaves sit on the ground for an extended period can reduce the lawns ability to photosynthesize and store important energy to build the roots through the fall. It is important to address them promptly.


Common Winter Lawn Care Issues




When there is a decent amount of snow for a decent amount of time, there can be a lot of problems with moles, voles and mice. It can become evident as the snow disappears and you see the web of tunnels that have popped up on your lawn. Lightly raking these areas with a leaf rake will help stimulate them to fill back in with grass.

Winter / Fall
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