Tree and Shrub Program
Central CT Lawn Service offers an extensive tree and shrub program. Below is the general schedule of services for a tree and shrub program.
Your technician will outline a detailed plan for you depending on the treatments your home needs.
Spring Treatments
Spring Fertilizer
Deep root fertilization to awaken landscape and promote new winter damage growth
Spring Dormant Oil
To eliminate any scale insects
Spring Bed Weed Control
Controls weeds in mulched or gravel areas
Spring Insect and Disease Control
Spray to prevent insect or disease damage to landscape
Summer Treatments
Early Summer Insect and Disease Control
Spray to prevent insect or disease damage to landscape
Early Summer Bed Weed Control
Controls weeds in mulched or gravel areas
Summer Insect & Disease Control
Spray to prevent any insect or disease damage to landscape
Fall Treatments
Fall Fertilization
Deep root fertilization to help landscape through winter
Fall Dormant Oil
Eliminates scale insects
Protect certain shrubs from winter damage
Deer Repellent
Protects valuable landscape from deer damage