Lawn Care Program
Central CT Lawn Service offers an extensive lawn care program, including full organic programs. Below is the general schedule of services for a lawn care program.
Your technician will outline a detailed plan for you depending on the treatments your home needs.
Early Spring Application
Balanced fertilizer with pre-emergent crabgrass control and broadleaf weed control
Late Spring/Early Summer Application
Slow Released balanced fertilizer broadleaf weed control
Pre-emergency crabgrass control
Insect control
Grub Preventative
Prevents damage from grubs and Japanese beetle larvae
Summer Insect & Disease Control
Slow release fertilizer boost with post emergency crabgrass control
Late Summer Application
Slow release balanced fertilizer with broadleaf weed control
Fall Application
Balanced fertilizer with broadleaf weed control
Winterizer Application
Helps lawn through winter and provides quick start in the spring